Sunday, November 30, 2008


It has been a hard day again for dog and owners. 

The last days has been a bit strange. Maja has peed inside twice while being alone, which she normally never does, she needs to go out a lot, and when outside, she loves to lie in a pile of old leaves. Maybe it cools her down? The vet says that her peeing habits probably has nothing to do with mediaction, but we are really not sure.

The day started not bad - we went for a long walk in the neighborhood, and she is really starting to feel comfortable around here. That is a big step for a small dog, and it will make it so much easier for us. 

Then, a new visit to the vet. On the good side, this was the last round of shots. That is GOOD, because with her reaction today, we are not sure we would let her go through this again. It was very painful for her to walk, she has been lying on the floor crying the whole evening, for a long time not able to sleep. Also, she seems to be really warm, because she is panting with her tongue out, which we have never seen before, and with a very shallow and fast breath. Then, she peed on the floor with both of us inside, without warning, and that is something that has never happened before.  We carried her out so she could finish, praised her a lot and carried her in again, where she laid down totally depressed in her bed. Poor little. Now she sleeps.. Hope that will continue and that we will see a dog in normal bright morning mood tomorrow...

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