Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another evening in bed.. And another day with antibiotics at the vet. She is not trying to run away or escape, she just hides her head in my armpit and takes it.. Poor little! And it is going to be three times more. It's a wonder why she hasn't started to dislike us already :) I would like to think that she knows that we do it for her own best, but I guess that would be too much projecting human thoughts on her?

We got her new food today.. After checking a little bit here and there, we ended up with Tast of the Wild (expensive as hell her in Lithuania..). It has no grain or corn ingrediences, lots of (named) meat, vegetables and fruit. Let's give it a try! Well.. after a while. We bought it, and then found out that Maja has to stay for rice and chicken diet for another two weeks.. Some cooking to do, then :)

Days are filled with small, strange things.. She is loosing her baby teeth (ample evidenve to the left). I haven't got a picture of it, but her canine teeth refuse to fall out while the new ones are coming, so she has double sets of canine teeth.. It looks a bit funny..

She was chewing on her favorite toy Paja (see picture of the buddies) yesterday when she lost one tooth. She bled quite a bit on Pajas head, and the whole thing looked spooky - like she really had killed the prey and was preparing to eat it.

Big, bad dog... ;)

Today's small victory was a walk around the neighborhood. But jumping and running and playing I cheated her to go much further than she actually dares to. She didn't understand where we were until a huge neighbor-dog (German shepherd) BOOOOFFFFED! She got much more curious than scared, actually, which bodes well for further walks! A whole new world is opening up! And for us it will be a relief not to have to drive for ten minutes to find a good place whenever we want to have a long walk !

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