Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tough visit at the vet

4 MONTHS and 27 days - 12.9 KILO

Maja is asleep, so I guess I have to do the writing today..

It has been a tough day for both owners and dog. The day started with a really bad walk. She so loves to run around in the forests and to meet other dogs, but here in the neighborhod she is scares and really doesn't want to walk anywhere. It's hard to find a balance - she needs to get to know the area, and at the same time I don't want to force her. Poor little, she sits down and tries to get into my lap. She just wants to get home as fast as possible.
So - bad stomach has lasted for some days (and this is not the first round..) She has been on a rice/chicken diet for three days, together with Canikur and Fermactive, but she has just gotten worse. This morning the pooh was just like brown water. It is bit scary, and we feel so sorry for her. So, a new trip to the vet. She is so patient there: shots and vaccinations.. Even when they came with the huge syringe for the identification chip, she just wagged her tail. But today she got three anitiotics shots, one in the neck and one in each leg, and my girlfriend said that today it really hurt. When I came home from work, she was really crying.. Ouch.. Few things are so heartbreaking as when a dog is crying for real. Sometimes they do it - I guess - to get attention. But sometimes it is for real - it really hurts, and I really don't feel well. I think I need a huge hug!

So, we just cross our fingers and hope that the shots do their work..
Ooooopss.. Sound like she is having a small nightmare.... Ssssshhhh.....

"Update": "Sick dog spending the day in bed":

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