Monday, February 16, 2009

Some say Goodbye and some say Hello

Today it was time to say goodbye to another good friend: Maja's pet Paja :) Paja the plush dog was bought at the local supermarket, and immediately became Maja's best friend. Well, friend.. Best chewing toy, at least. We thought she would last for a week, but she has been tough and has lasted for three months. The nose disappeared after two days. That was something we could live with, but when one eye was about to fall out, she just looked to freaking scary. Not that Maja cares, but to us, Paja looked a bit... yuck..

So, time to get a new Paja: Paja II. Look at the difference in color, by the way :) Paja I was ditched in a matter of seconds, and Paja II was received with the same loving attention and the same loving teeth (tasted fresh and better?). And as a proof that Maja has grown quite a bit older and stronger: Instead of 2 days, this time it only took her 20 minutes to break the nose off :)

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