Friday, February 20, 2009

After operation

">When we picked Maja up after operation on Tuesday, she was a pretty sorry sight.She was sitting in a cage, stilled quite drugged, swaying back and forth and fighting desperately not to fall asleep. It actually made quite an impression on us, because it seemed like she was fighting for her life, and I think she was. In a hostile environment where someone is hurting you (like they did), the last thing you want to do - and possibly literally the last thing you'll ever do - is to fall asleep!Jump three days forwards in time.. We now (Thursday) have a dog that is happily running around, wagging her tail, eating like a horse :) She has quite a big scar on her stomach (which is shaved... she looks so THIN!), as a proof that this is a serious operation. But it is amazing to see how fast animals recover: she walked out to the car herself after the operation, Jurgita took her for a good walk already on Wednesday, and yesterday she walked outside for two hours or so. She maybe sleeps a little bit more now than before (even though, after we one week ago started being much stricter with her on walks, she sleeps a LOT!) and she is VERY cuddly, she wants to hang around, lean on our legs, sit beside us in the sofa, check out where we are at any time.. She also had a small eye operation where they burned away some bumbs on her eyes. She looked horrifying on Tuesday, with bloody, dark "zombie"-eyes. Now they look perfectly fine. My girlfriend took her to the vet yesterday, and he was even surprised that she is healing so fast! Btw: (Next picture is taken Saturday - four days after op.)Now, that's our girl :) "UPDATE": We were reading a little bit on the net. Some owners recommend that you keep the dog on leash all the time and go for very short walks only, for a week! That a little bit contradicts what our vet said: "Let her run and play (under supervision of course). If it is uncomfortable or hurt, she will stop." We wouldn't let her play with other dogs, but besides from that, we are almost back to normal routine, three days after surgery. Now, are we doing something wrong, or are most other people over-careful???

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