Monday, January 26, 2009

Sometimes hopes and prayers are not totally enough. We went to the vet yesterday, and it turns out that Maja probably has ruptured some ligaments in the left back knee. We are going to specialist on Thursday, and most probably she will also be operated then. Well, what to say.. Shit happens? It could have been worse: it is an accident and not breed related, which would have been worse. Also, she'll be out of active business for while, but weather is horrible anyway, with lots of dirty ice and snow everywhere. It is really difficult to walk outside, both for those without claws and those with :) Now that first vet visit is over and it is clear what the problem is, it somehow feels better, even if it of course would have been much better without all this..
I am away for a concert in another town today, and I had to place Maja at some musicians friends of ours. They had the most incredible dog, a huge white breed which I don't remember the name of, but the dog died of cancer this summer. It was the second dog they lost. They are fantastic dog lovers and fantastic dog owners. I was still a bit reluctant to ask them, though, but she screamed of joy when I asked they could have Maja for a day. She came over yesterday to get to know Maja a little better, and Maja immediately fell in love with both her and the little playing ball she brought over. She picked up Maja today after I had left and sent me a happy message from their walk in the forest. She phoned one of my concert colleagues later and told that the whole family had fallen for Maja, including the cat, that was walking happily around, purring, enjoying finally having a dog in the house again  Oh, I would have loved to be there to see that. Maja loves the old, war-worn cat of our neighbor, but I am not so sure that the love is mutual. She stays one meter away, and that is the safety distance. Closer than that, and I am sure that her nose will get a close smell of cat-claws and blood. But to see Maja and a cat play together would be a joy – maybe they have taken pictures ? :)
These days, even with their small share of worries and wondering, have been truly nice, and much, much better than I hoped for. I'll be honest: a part was a bit hoping that the time would go really, really fast, because this would be awkward. And that thought made me wonder if I at all am a dog person. I have always loved and adored dogs, but maybe I am not the right person to have one ? But this – so far – one week has been a joy. She is so patient with me when I have to work, but then after a while she makes it really clear that she really, REALLY would like to go for a walk  To walk with her is sometimes frustrating , when she for some reason – tiredness or pain or smells? – looses concentration and focus, but mostly such a joy. For a part of our walk she runs loosely, in front of or behind me, checking out the environment and all the smells that re-appear in a thaw. Then, for a part, she walks concentrated on my side, eagerly awaiting the piece of cheese she knows she gets if she walks by my left foot on loose leash. And the last part – when she is tired but happy, she walks head and tail high and chest out in the lead to come home.. Home; food, she brings me toys so we can play for a while, and then rest.. Repeat all a while later :) Then in the evening, more playing, sleeping on the floor, I go to bed, she lies beside me. I turn off the light and a minute or two later I hear one or two deep sighs beside me and then rhythmical sleep. ”Okonchen prazdnij, shumnij den”.. Good night :)

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