Thursday, January 29, 2009

Maja & Me home alone.. Soon there :)

Today we went to the vet.. I am actually a bit proud that I am handling this all on my own ;) Poor dog, she was shaking with fear when we came in. A shot of sedatives made her disappear in less than ten seconds. I almost felt strange to hold her these seconds and to feel her go from being so tense to being so relaxed. You could really feel how all the muscles let go... I couldn't help watching her breath very closely for a while afterwards, it was almost scary to see her so gone. Then x-ray pictures, and to our great joy, the specialist decided that she won't need an operation for now :) :) :)

We have to look out for her knee a little bit, because it is a bit loose, but unless something special happens, she can get away with some medicine.. That is fantastic :)

I carried her out while still sedated - 20 kilos of totally relaxed dog actually feels heavy :) It took her quite some time to get to her senses again, when she woke up she was like a drunk man - head waving from side to side and a rather shaky walk :) I went out for a concert in the evening, and when I came back she had totally woken up.. Obviously ;) I changed bag in the vacuum cleaner before I left. Stupidly enough, I had left some bags on the table. Bad mistake ;) Maja had found them an ripped them all in to tiny, tiny little pieces that were spread all over the floor. Happiness :) She met me with a huge smile, high tail and a ton of energy that needed to be used :)

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