Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Stella: The compulsive bather

We don't know very much about Stella's background, so we don't know how much she was swimming, or if she ever did it at all before she came to us, but her relationship with water is a really funny one :)

Nida is really the right place to start swimming practice. It is usually quite warm when we are there in the summer and the water is really shallow, so you can walk quite far out. Last year it was Maja who had her big breakthrough, and Stella had her first swims this summer. But, while Maja has become quite fond of swimming - and definitely if you throw a stick - Stella hasn't really become a swimmer. She has become a BATHER :D

Whenever there is a river or a lake, Stella has to run in, at least once.She goes exactly deep enough for the  the water to cover her, but if the water is not deep enough, she'll crouch to get all the way in. 10 seconds like that, and she is finished. Totally happy and satisfied. Maybe one more dip before we come home, and a new dip tomorrow. Never a single day without a proper bath :)

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