Friday, April 29, 2011


Easter came, wagged, and left.. It really was some beautiful days, warm and nice. Sunday was so warm that if it hadn't been for the fact that I had a concert on Monday, I would have taken a swim :)

It is starting to get green everywhere, lawns are green and during the last couple of days, trees have been sprouting leaves like crazy. It is this sharp, sharp green colour that you can only see these days. Somehow, the older I get, the more I appreciate exactly these few days, where everything is new and fresh.

The girls are enjoying spring, too. We were again talking about it; how fantastic it must feel for Stella to be able to roam around freely, to sniff and experience everything she wants to.

Maja has not forgotten her swimming skills from last summer, and is happily taking a swim now and then :) Besides from her duck hunt a couple of weeks ago, Stella is not into swimming - she loves walking in water, it just doesn't seem like she has found a good reason for WHY she would swim yet :)

So - here are some pictures of the dynamic easter duo; checking out water and the scent of some mysterious animals that have been there before them.

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