Monday, September 27, 2010

Foster parents

It is autumn, the air is getting colder, evenings are darker and trees are getting yellow. It is time for evenings inside, for fireplace and warm wine (sometimes), for a warm dog in bed in the mornings, and hopefully for some more blogging.
We are all healthy and fine and happy, Maja is in brilliant shape and mood. I'll get back to that, but there is something else I wanted to mention..
Some days ago we came across a really bad story here in Lithuania; it is a bit unclear for me if it was just a farm or some puppy mill, but a lot of dogs were kept under horrifying conditions; scared, dirty, alone and malnourished. People from a dog organisation managed to save some of the dogs but had to leave others behind. And on top of everything, they might face a court case because they "stole" private property. I could rant for long here about the insanity of it; how unbelievable it is that someone can treat dogs like that, how unbelievable it is that this organisation actually might loose the court case and that the owner might get the dogs back. And most of all: how much it hurts to see dogs treated like that. I have come to know dogs as creatures most of all longing for company and for love. If they are agressive or unsocial, it is most often than not because of how they have been treated, how humans have made them. I could go on and on about it, but it is no need: you know what I feel!

We were in contact with the organisation some days ago and offered to become foster family for a rescue golden. I have to admit, I am really excited about the idea. I am excited about the possibility of helping and organisation that really deserves to be helped. These people are among my heroes! I am excited about the possibility of helping a dog that deserves to be helped, that deserves to be taught to trust and relax and be happy again. And I am excited about the thought of having another Golden in the house :)
Let's see how it goes! Until then, this:

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