Saturday, August 15, 2009

Before operation

Yes, it is operation day again.. Maja's eyes have been operated before - sometimes they are a little to full with yello yucky stuff, and they wanted to take away the reason for that. That first operation was not 100% successful (she was a bit better because of medicine, so they quite simply didn't see the full problem), so she is in again today. We have been delaying it a little bit, but now she has been free of other medicines and free of other problems for such a long time - it is time to fix it. It won't take long - an hour or so, but it is full narcosis, and afterwards her eyes will look red and horrible for a day or two. Now she is sleeping on the floor in front of my feet - we have had a really nice morning walk and she is happy (as she almost always is). She doesn't know what is coming up, poor. But, Maja, all will be fine soon, and your eyes will be much better :)

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