Saturday, August 15, 2009

Before operation

Yes, it is operation day again.. Maja's eyes have been operated before - sometimes they are a little to full with yello yucky stuff, and they wanted to take away the reason for that. That first operation was not 100% successful (she was a bit better because of medicine, so they quite simply didn't see the full problem), so she is in again today. We have been delaying it a little bit, but now she has been free of other medicines and free of other problems for such a long time - it is time to fix it. It won't take long - an hour or so, but it is full narcosis, and afterwards her eyes will look red and horrible for a day or two. Now she is sleeping on the floor in front of my feet - we have had a really nice morning walk and she is happy (as she almost always is). She doesn't know what is coming up, poor. But, Maja, all will be fine soon, and your eyes will be much better :)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Two persons in a boat - and a dog

Yesterday we were in Trakai, a small historical town not far from Vilnius. The town is surrounded by one big and some smaller lakes, and you can rent boats to row around the several small islands and to see the castle from the seaside. It is fantastic, especially when the weather is as good as it was yesterday. A long walk first, then rent a boat. Maja behaved like an experienced sailor.. Well, almost.. She was a little bit shy at first, and found it best to hide her head between our feet, but she got used to it quite fast, enjoyed the view, and finally fell asleep in the bottom of the boat :)

How to walk slowly

How to slow down a walk when you are really, really tired :)

  • First of all - walk slowly!
  • Stop to say hi to every dog you see!
  • Pretend that you need to pee, and spend a LOT of time searching for exactly the right place!
  • Don't find the right place! That means you have to check the next lawn!
  • When it all becomes too obvious - pee! You can still repeat the procedure for bigger things!
  • Stop to drink anywhere where the ground is even remotely moist.
  • Walk on the other side of lamp posts and trees - the confusion will give you some valuable seconds every time.
  • Sniff at EVERYTHING! Especially flowers should be paid attention - your owner will think it is cute!
  • Walk where it is difficult to walk - that naturally slows everything down.
  • When everything else fails - just lie down :)

How does a dog drink?

How does a dog drink? With its mouth and tongue, of course, but really how? How does the water come in to the mouth? Sounds like a silly question, but I came across this video the other day, and it is really fascinating: It shows in slow motion exactly how a dog drinks :)