Sunday, June 28, 2009

This pisses me so off...

I just read an article in the Norwegian web newspaper Dagbladet, about people who leave their pets when they go for summer holiday. The police can tell about horrifying examples: cats put in plstic bags and dumped, dogs tied up alone in the forest, dogs thrown in the water with a stone bound to their neck or feet. I quite simply do note have words for it. About leaving your pet before the holiday: When you get a pet, you take a responsibility. You get someone that will live with you, be a part of your family, look up to you and TRUST you. You are the master of their lives. If you are not able or ready to take that responsibility, don't get a pet. If you end up in a situation where you cannot follow through, then take your pet to someone that will find it a new home.

About those that quite simply torture animals: It is unbelievable that the punishment for that is lower than for simple theft. If it was up to me, it would be prison for a year: not out of revenge, not because I am a biased dog owner, but because this such a horrifying attitude towards life and the value of life. I cannot image that people who do this are not a danger to people around them. And most of all because they kill or torture not for hunting, not for food, not for "sports", but out of pure "pleasure" and evil. I said "no revenge", but personally, I do feel a need for puling out their teeth or finger nails..

I could rant about this for ages, but let me try to be short: There is absolutely no excuse for this! You are despicable lowlifes that I never would be able to trust. Drop dead!!!

To those that spend their time, energy and money on saving hurt and left animals: I do sincerely believe that there is a special place in heaven for you :)

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