Monday, June 22, 2009

Battleship swan

We were out walking here the other day when we came to a pond with swans. We decided to go to the waterside to have a look. They look absolutely amazing, and Maja was a bit curious, too. The were probably about 60 meters away from us, but one of them - when he saw us - came straight at us. Good lord, he looked like a battleship - straight course, full speed. When he came closer he spread his wings and made sounds like Sir Hiss - talk about being dominating, territorial and aggressive!! Maja watched in awe as he came closer, barked at him a little bit (hey - HE hissed first!!) and jumped a little back and forth - but in general it was safer to hide behind my legs. I don't blame her - I once fled myself from an angry swan ;)

1 comment:

  1. O my God, swans can be really dangerous, especially when you are a little bit naive and curious cute dog:)
