Monday, January 7, 2013


So, today was the big vet day :)

We all drove to Kaunas yesterday, and today at noon took little limpey to see Vaitkus. It was almost surprising to find the most respected dog-vet in Lithuania in a small place outside Kaunas, but there we were.. Maja always freaks out when we go to our regular vet in Vilnius, so I was a bit anxious to see how she wold react in this place, but she walked in curious, happy and wagging.

Of course she can sniff a vet from far away, so when Vaitkus came, she got a bit anxious. It was really nice, though, to see how good he was with her, how nicely he taked to her and how relatively fast she calmed down in his office. Then you now you have come to the right person! So, after a little bit of information, preparations for x-rays and a shot of tranquilizer, I left her there. It is always a bit scary to see your dog doz off..

Back some hours later. We were sitting for a while in the waiting room, and from the dark room next door we could hear tiny, pityful cries from a dog - poor Maja. When she was allowed, though, it surprised me to see that whe came walking out herself, quite a bit groggy and red-eyed, too tired to really give us a warm welcome or her usual long talk, but walking on her own :) Three-legged, but not freaking out, and calm enough to sniff around a bit and have one more talk with the vet :)

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