Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Getting better

Maja is soo clearly getting better :) Yesterday she was in quite a bit better mood, and we had some nice minutes out on the lawn late in the evening. Maja so enjoyed being out, she was sniffing around, wagging a lot, and then she sat down in the middle of the lawn, but her nose high up in the air to catch anything that might drift by, and (I mean it!) looked at the stars. Jurgita took her out this morning, and she said it was really the same: It was as if Maja really so enjoyed being out again: "I'm out! There is still hope - my life is actually not over" :) So, today she was taken to Vaitkus again for a small check. Everything is as it should be.. If there is anything slightly worrying, it is that she is getting well too fast. She tries to stand a little bit on her foot, and vet said that is 5 days ahead of schedule.. Ah, Maja.. Always the impatient little puppy :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


It was a tought night tonight.. Maja can't join us in bed - she is very careful about lying on the correct side, and she needs to lie on a flat surface. She obviously feels quite bad - maybe it hurts because the medicine has stopped working - so she was softly crying most of the night. At some point Jurgita had to get up, take a blanket and lie down with her on the fluffy carpet on the floor to hold her tight - then everything felt much better :)


When everything is bad and everything hurts, it is at least good to cuddle up in your own, safe bed!

Monday, January 7, 2013


So, today was the big vet day :)

We all drove to Kaunas yesterday, and today at noon took little limpey to see Vaitkus. It was almost surprising to find the most respected dog-vet in Lithuania in a small place outside Kaunas, but there we were.. Maja always freaks out when we go to our regular vet in Vilnius, so I was a bit anxious to see how she wold react in this place, but she walked in curious, happy and wagging.

Of course she can sniff a vet from far away, so when Vaitkus came, she got a bit anxious. It was really nice, though, to see how good he was with her, how nicely he taked to her and how relatively fast she calmed down in his office. Then you now you have come to the right person! So, after a little bit of information, preparations for x-rays and a shot of tranquilizer, I left her there. It is always a bit scary to see your dog doz off..

Back some hours later. We were sitting for a while in the waiting room, and from the dark room next door we could hear tiny, pityful cries from a dog - poor Maja. When she was allowed, though, it surprised me to see that whe came walking out herself, quite a bit groggy and red-eyed, too tired to really give us a warm welcome or her usual long talk, but walking on her own :) Three-legged, but not freaking out, and calm enough to sniff around a bit and have one more talk with the vet :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Soon to the vet

Maja is really in no shape to go for a walk, so we took Stella for a good walk in the forest today. It had been snowing a bit and it got a bit cooler, so the forest looked really beautiful, like a Christmas forest. And Stella went BAZOOKA!! :) We are maybe walking a little bit less not that Maja has leg problems, so Stella has soooo much pent up energy. She goes through the forest like a crazy dog, running here, running there, up hill and down hill, checking tracks and real or imaginary mice underneath the snow, and generally having the greatest time. When she came home she quite quickly collapsed on the floor, but out in the forest it seems like she can go on forever and ever, without ever tiring. Sometimes she disappears from us, then we just have to listen for the sound of bushes or trees breaking and falling - anything that stands in her way is just pushed aside :) In the mean time Maja is resting at home. She seems to take her condition with good mood, she really enjoys the thick, white, furry carpet at home, she practically blends into it :) When we come home, she tells us loudly all about her dreams while we were out, and then she thoroughly sniffs Stella to find out where she has been. Right now, Maja is lying on the carpet on her back, all four legs up in the air and with a huge smile :) On Monday we are going to Vaitkus for surgery. It has to be done, the timing is not so bad, and the vet is the best there is. Still, I am a little bit nervous about it. I will take her to the vet. I am not sure that I will be there when she gets anesthetics, I don't look forward to seeing her fall asleep.. We found two videos about her condition and about the surgery today. Ooo.. The surgery actually looks much bigger than we thought, but still it was interesting to see!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Sleeping tight

Golden Retriever gone missing

Yesterday we found an announcement for a found Golden Retriever in Gyvynu Globa. He (somehow I think it's a he) looks so sweet, patiently waiting for his owner, like a good Golden does.
Although it is not going to happen, my mind still kept thinking: Couldn't we take care of it until the real owner is found? Maja and Stella would be happy for a boy in the house (or would they? Wouldn't it just break up their stable, happy ladies life?;) ), and I guess we could find place for one more for a week or so? :)