Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Yesterday when we were out walking in the snow, what we have been waiting for for quite a long time unfortunately happened. Maja started limping on her hind legs quite some time ago, and a check by Vaitkus revealed that she has problems with her hamstrings in her back legs. They are both quite fragile and a little bit torn. We got some medicine, a lot of good wishes and a "let's wait and see." As vet Vaitkus said: "It's all up to the God of dogs". We find that saying really cute :) So, yesterday Maja and Stella were their good, old glorious selves - we were out in the forests outside Kaunas, basking in lots of white snow, jumping here and there, hunting for mice underneath the snow (the dogs were, not me and Jurgita), when it suddenly happened. One big YELP, and hen Maja became a three-legged dog with no control of her fourth! The amazing thing is to see how easy they deal with things. I guess it helped quite a bit that Maja already was on painkillers and incredibly happy about life, but she managed quite a long way home through the snow on three legs, as if nothing had happened. At night, though, she insisted on being a patient - being ill gives you the natural right to be in bed, and also to be held really, really tight by mummy the whole night :) Tomorrow we'll get in touch with Vaitkus and see how fast we can get a surgery scheduled. Right now both Maja and Stella are sleeping at her feet. Stella is the usual steadfast rock, Maja has had a happy day, but is still a little depressed - we think - about life turning against her. But, as always, she expects mummy and daddy to solve everything. Which we will, of course :)

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