Sunday, June 27, 2010


Happy Birthday, Maja :)

Today you are - as far as we know - two years old, and for two years minus three months you have been together with us and brightened our lives. Two dog years makes you a young teenager, and you somehow fit to the description. You are energetic and playful, you love life and friends, and you are somehow a little bit unwilling to listen to your parents. But teenagers are also known - truthfully or not - to be a bit moody and sour, and if there is  ONE thing that you are not, it is moody and sour. Each day is filled with a wagging tail, with high expectations and with joy!
In one way, you haven't grown that big. You are smaller than many other Goldens, and now that we even have slimmed you down a little bit, you are down to 26 kilos or so. On the other hand, it is quite strange to look at pictures from the first days and to see how you fit underneath the kitchen chairs - actually fit with a huge margin :) And thinking about these two (minus three months) years, it is incredible how easy it has been. Sure, we have had our periods with diseases and leg problems and our fair share of worries (some time ago!!) and vet visits. But from first day it felt like the most natural thing in the world to have you, and you have adjusted to us so easily. Wherever we go, you want to follow, but if we need to leave you, you are ok with that. All people we like, you love. If we sleep long, you happily sleep, if we get up early, you do the same.

So - happy birthday, Maja :) Your birthday is celebrated with (not cake, but) pie (chicken, rice and liver - beat THAT) decorated with two candles (oh, and do you DROOL for that pie), and your favorite toys are joining you in celebrating!

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