Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Maja received her first hair cut today, and you can see the result below :) She was almost starting to look a bit male lion-ish, with a huge mane around her neck. You can see bit of that on the pictures from some days ago. Now she looks like a dog from a proper, decent home, and she has a long and very lady-like neck. 

The lady that cut her thought that Maja has beautiful fur. That is almost strange to hear, just two-three months after her fur was so thin and so brittle that it made us really concerned :)


Next after Maja, this has to be the sweetest dog ever. And whenever I'll have time, I'll run off to see "UP" and more of Dug..



Next after Maja, this has to be the sweetest dog ever. End whenever I'll have time, I'll run off to see "UP" and more of Dug..



The dog that was a geriatric patient with me for a week, is now walking so happily around, almost without any trace of limping at all. How that has happened is beyond my understanding. I know that she might get bad again, but for now we are just enjoying. We don't allow her to play with other dogs, and we try somehow to prevent her from jumping, but besides from that she is running happily around. yesterday we walked in town for almost two hours - I'm amazed her tail doesn't fall off, the way she is wagging. Life is great.

- Limping? Me? Oh, that is SO last week. Come on, let's go. Just follow me, I'll show you the way :)

Monday, September 21, 2009



Now I could have gone on and on about how fantastic it has been to have a dog. But I actually think that I won't - it is enough to read the blog :) But I remember so clearly how we went to look at dogs and found this amazingly cute and a bit shy puppy - she became totally still when we picked her up. We "discussed" for another day, but we both knew we had lost our hearts to this little one. When we picked her up, she was brought in the trunk of a car - a little, white, scared ball of hair in the darkest corner of the trunk.  She sat on my lap in the car the two hours drive home, making strange sounds. We sopped once on the way and let her out on a lawn. She was jogging around, wagging happily and sniffing at this gigantic world that has suddenly appeared. Now and then she would return to us and then go off again ("off" then meant maybe 5 meters away).

We got her a bed and left her in the car for two hours while we went to a theater play. We were a bit nervous how she would take being left alone, but when we came back, she had fallen asleep. That bed became her safe, quiet place for the next days, as she slowly started to "explore" our appartment. To go to bed that evening and hear the breathing of a small dog beside us was special..

Thanks, Maja: It has been a great year :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Mummy came home yesterday, and the dog that has been an invalid together with me for the last week has been a Duracell-bunny today. She is so, so happy, and although she is limping a tiny little bit, it is just not the same dog - it cannot be the dog that has not been able to walk for more than 10 minutes for the last days. I cannot believe what I am seeing, but whatever: now we are all just enjoying the moment.

It has been a wonderful autumn day, so we went for a walk in the park. Maja has been running around with high head and high tail, sniffing here, running there, exploring the world as if it was new and fresh and tailor-made for a small dog. And picking sticks from the river.. And digging, digging, digging. The result you can see below:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Shot accident

- Maja, time for today's medicine needle..
- Really? 
- Yep.. No way around, I guess..
- Ok, I'll just lie down here in front of your feet.
- Wow.. I come with a needle, and you are wagging.. ?
- Well.. I guess you do it to be nice, after all? And I want to show I am a nice dog! But be careful, please!
- I'll try! So - collect some skin on the neck. Breathe deep. Needle in..
- WHIMP.... that hurt.. really! But, I'll bite my teeth together and lie still. Now, get it over with.
- Ouch, sorry about that! Just a little bit more.. Now, done! Really sorry about that.
- It did hurt a bit, but I tried my best! (Wag, wag). Now, can I get a goodie?? 

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Home alone

Late Saturday evening, I am sitting by my computer and doing some stuff, and Maja is happily sleeping on the floor beside me after having spent almost the whole day outside.

Jurgita is gone for two weeks on a work trip, so I am a single parent for a while, which will both be nice and a little bit scary. It has been a while since last I posted anything, so I'll try to connect the threads in some longer postings the next days, but not all news are good news.

Maja's eyes have become almost normal again - it took quite some time, though. She was in perfect mood the day after eye operation, but her eyes were really red and swollen for more than a week. We were a bit nervous about it and wondering why it took so long, but with medication every day, she finally looks her old, beautiful self again.

It's quite worse news about her legs, and that is what worries me; she has dysplasia on at least one shoulder, which has led to arthritis. Not good, not good at all; lots of medication and patience awaits us.

But - more about that tomorrow. Maja is grunting in her sleep beside me and is the kindest and most beautiful dog in the world. So right now, all is well with the world :)

Recipe for instant happiness (serves 1 dog and 1-several persons):

1 dog /  water / a little fod / a good toy / a hug