Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It is like waiting for a child to take the first step :) We are waiting for Maja to take the first swim.. Oh, she is so close, so close. She loves water, especially now that it is hot outside (26 degrees in the sun), and she loves to walk out into thewater to fetch sticks. But to swim... Mmmmm... sceptical.. She has met other dogs that have swum, but she has never followed them, but she gets a little closer every time. 

Yesterday was the big day. Only for some few seconds, only as an accident.. She was playing with another dog, and the other dog got a stick in the water that Maja just HAD to compete for.. And, ooops, no ground underneath her feet anymore. Hard starboard, and straight towards land. But she DID swim :) Friday we will probably go all to the lakes. If it's not to cold, maybe I'll take a swim myself and see if I can trick her with me :)

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