Saturday, November 28, 2009


Jurgita has been ill for some days, and had to stay at home with high fever. I managed to work from home a couple of days, but still I am tied to the chair somehow. All this time Maja has been the most patient dog :) Usually she is VERY eager to get up and out, but these days she has been so calm. I think she gets it: it is not because she is lazy that mummy doesn't get up and out, but because she is ill. And in that case - it is best to stay close to the bed and be a good companion. Such a good dog :) 

In general, she is so calm at home - usually she gets around 2 hours of walk every day, and some running and sniffing around in the garden. She is so full of joy and energy when we walk! And at home - so

Friday, November 27, 2009

The joy of reunion

More posts to come in the weekend, but in the meantime I cannot help but posting this video of an American soldier coming home from Afghanistan and meeting his dog again:

Have a look at the original Youtube-site to read his comments, it is worth it - they are thoughtful and touching. 

But - this is approximately what meets us every day when Maja has been alone for some hours and we come home :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Run, run, run

Oh, I 've been away for quite a long time, and it has been a long time since last I posted anything here. I finally came home a little bit more than one week ago, and there are lots of things to write about .

I was good to come home. Good to come home to home after one and a half month in a hotel room, good to come home to my girlfriend, and good to come home to Maja - she went nuts :)

So many things to talk about, but for this post, let me restrict myself to today's walk. It is still a miracle - there is no trace of the limping that worried us for months and that in september was so bad that she almost couldn't walk. Nothing at all :) Maja is walking, running, playing, jumping, and having the time of her life :)

This evening we went fo along walk in town. For different reasons she hasn't played with any dogs for a while, so she really wants to run and say hi to any dog she meets. At the end of our walk, we passed by a park where she usually would meet some friends, and this evening we met a Labrador and a Beagle. This was actually one of the first times that I alone took her to the playing ground after her leg (somehow) became fine, and I still feel nervous about it - will it really stay that way?? I let her loose, and they were running so nicely - the labrador was the same size as Maja, no bumping or fighting, just running, running, happily running. And Beagle joined. Running, running, and Maja was the fastest of them all. She was always a "heavy runner", but now she is just flying. After a while though, it seemed like she got tired, and while Beagle and Labri ran off, Maja laid down to rest. My heart skipped a beat or two, because we have seen this before: other dogs continue to play, while Maja has to rest. I started to feel a bit worried, when... Wait.. That dog has short hair (remember - it was dark). Short hair.. That means that is Labri resting. Which means that the dog running like crazy over there is..... Maja :) No resting, no stopping, no limping, just overjoyed, happy running, running.

And when we broke up, Maja's tail was wagging in almost 180 degrees. I imagine she was proud: the fastest of all the dogs, and not tired at all. I couldn't help myself on the way home; I had to check a couple of times if she really wasn't limping, but nothing! It is so, so good! 

And now - happily sleeping on the floor :)